
I tried to kill myself with a bag of nuts says wife of Hasting Scott

Sunday, October 19, 2014


On the face of it, Jenny Hastings looks like she has everything – a celebrity husband, a comfortable lifestyle, two talented children, and the slender figure of a twenty-something, the result of her years training as a swimmer and triathlete.
But the reality is that Jenny, the wife of Scottish rugby icon and Sky Sports commentator Scott Hastings, has spent the past two decades struggling with periods of mental illness which, although brief, have had a devastating impact.
Now both husband and wife have decided to break years of silence about the debilitating condition – including revealing the extraordinary moment just a few months ago when Jenny attempted to kill herself by eating a bag of peanuts, imagining her nut allergy would lead to a rapid death.
Laughing themselves back to happiness: Scott and Jenny share a light-hearted moment at home
Laughing themselves back to happiness: Scott and Jenny share a light-hearted moment at home
Jenny has even been driven to undergo controversial electric shock treatment – ECT – in a failed bid to cure her depression.
And she admits that in her distress she has tried to ‘marry off’ her husband to friends, believing he would be happier with someone else.
At their home in Edinburgh, she says: ‘We come from a generation that didn’t talk about the “D word”, so I’ve never felt able to talk about it publicly before. It was too personal and I felt too vulnerable.
‘I felt people would judge me if they knew and, at my worst moments, I felt useless enough as a wife and mother, even as a human being, without anyone adding to it.
‘People have said: “Jenny’s got everything, why on earth would she be depressed?”
‘But the reaction to my “coming out” has been absolutely amazing. I can’t believe how kind and supportive people have been. I’m touched by the love I’ve been shown.’
But just four months ago her depression reached a terrible nadir.
As she quietly explains: ‘I bought a bag of mixed nuts in Marks and Spencer, drove to South Queensferry and parked up the car, before eating a peanut. I’d left no suicide notes. No explanations. I just wanted to die and end it all.
Legend on the pitch: Scott Hastings in his rugby heyday playing for Scotland
Legend on the pitch: Scott Hastings in his rugby heyday playing for Scotland
‘I’m absolutely ashamed looking back, now that I’m well again, at what I almost did to Scott and our children. But at the time I thought I was doing them a favour and they would be better off without me.’
It’s clear the couple have developed a black sense of humour on the subject. Indeed, Jenny struggles to control her laughter as she describes how, after sitting in the car for hours with no reaction, she decided to drive home.
She recalled: ‘But when I reached the house, I started to be violently sick. I went into anaphylactic shock. Scott grabbed the EpiPen adrenaline shot and injected me in the leg. We didn’t know if we were using it properly, so he stabbed me in the other leg to make sure.
‘Then the doorbell rang. But it wasn’t the paramedics – it was the delivery man with the new bike I’d ordered. Honestly, you couldn’t make it up.’
At the time I thought I was simply doing them a favour
Her problems seem to have started with a bout of post-natal depression after having her second child. But she believes the latest trigger for was turning 50 in May and the prospect of ‘empty nest syndrome’ as their daughter, now 18, prepared to leave school and go off to university.
Jenny says: ‘I was in it again before I realised and all I can think of was it was a landmark birthday and Kerry-Anne was about to leave home. Sounds crazy that that would do it, right? But this time, it was the worst ever. I was in a very dark place, full of self-loathing.’
It was Scott, 49, a former British Lion and one of Scotland’s most capped rugby players, who cautiously suggested she should make her depression public, and they are speaking out in the hope it will help others feel less alone about the condition.
His first experience of the illness was in 1996 when he went off with the Scotland squad to New Zealand on a six-week tour and came back to find Jenny ‘in bits’, unable to cope with newborn Kerry-Anne and their young son, Corey, then three.
Suicide attempt: Jenny tried to kill herself by eating a bag of peanuts, imagining her nut allergy would lead to a rapid death
Suicide attempt: Jenny tried to kill herself by eating a bag of peanuts, imagining her nut allergy would lead to a rapid death
He adds: ‘In the beginning, I don’t mind saying now, I found it embarrassing when she was diagnosed with a mental illness. It was such a taboo subject.’ Jenny is clearly hearing this for the first time and asks incredulously: ‘Did you? You’ve never told me but then, I suppose, how could you?’
The rugby star replies: ‘It wasn’t the kind of thing I was going to start talking to anyone about. No one talked about mental health then. Thankfully we’ve come a long way but we could still go so much further.’
It may have become easier to talk about, but dealing with Jenny’s manic bouts at home – she’s had five in total – when they are in full flow can still be challenging.
Scott adds: ‘It’s like a slide, you can’t stop it. She goes off the edge into the precipice. It doesn’t matter what you say, there’s no pulling her back from it. She withdraws from life. She doesn’t like going outside and worries about everything.’
Scott, who nowadays runs a sports marketing and hospitality agency, laughs as he recalls how Jenny tried to ‘marry him off’ during her latest breakdown this summer to two of her friends because she thought he would be happier with someone else.
Embarrassed, Jenny explains: ‘I didn’t see how he could love me any more in the condition I was in, so I thought he should find someone else. He just looked at me like I was crazy, which I was.’
After a short spell in hospital after her suicide attempt, Jenny agreed to try six sessions of electroconvulsive therapy two months ago in the hope she would be one of the 93 per cent of people suffering from depression whose condition improves.
I’m proof that anyone going through this can get better 
The idea of treating a psychiatric illness by passing a jolt of electricity through the brain is one of the most controversial in 20th Century medicine, with critics branding it barbaric and ineffective.
Jenny says: ‘I was desperate. The hardest part was that every time I came round, I was an absolute blubbering mess. I felt like I was being traumatised more than ever. I wouldn’t put anyone off it. It works for some people, just not for me.’
For now, she’s content with life again, helped by the fact she has finally been given an official diagnosis of depression after a complete review of her case history.
She says: ‘I’m proof to anyone going through this that you can get better if you get the proper support. Scott has been a real rock for me.
‘And for me, this time feels different. I never say never and it’s early days but I’m quietly confident I’m not going back to that dark place again and the fact I’m able to talk about it for the first time ever, gives me a new confidence that everything’s going to be all right.’

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