
Children as young as 14 are having weight loss surgery, with 45 going under the knife in England since 2007.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

An obese 14-year-old is the youngest patient recorded to have undergone weight-loss surgery in England since 2007, parliamentary figures show.
The youngster had one of the 45 procedures carried out on under 18s in the last six years.
The procedures aim to reduce the size of the stomach or to make a person feel full by eating less food, according to the data.
An obese 14-year-old is the youngest patient recorded to have undergone weight-loss surgery in England since 2007
An obese 14-year-old is the youngest patient recorded to have undergone weight-loss surgery in England since 2007. The youngster had one of the 45 procedures carried out on under 18s (stock photo)

Health minister Jane Ellison said there were 22 gastric bypasses, 18 gastric bands, two gastric bubble/balloon procedures and three stomach staples on children from April 2007 to March 2012.
The number of cases where people were primarily admitted to hospital because of obesity and then required weight-loss surgery totalled 24,383 from April 2009 to March 2012 and increased year-on-year, the figures add.
There were 115 procedures for obese 10 to 19-year-olds while the 40 to 49 age range recorded the highest total, with 8,821 in the three-year period.
The figures also show people living in the more deprived 10 per cent to 20 per cent of the country are most likely to require surgery - 3,792 operations were carried out on these people compared with a 1,156 for patients in the least deprived parts of England.
Former health minister Paul Burstow said: ‘These figures are the public health equivalent of the canary in the coal mine.
‘They are the most extreme end of an obesity epidemic that could undo the gains in life expectancy we have seen over the past century.
‘The solution cannot come from the NHS - it can only be found in our homes, our schools and our workplaces.
‘Teaching children about healthy eating and providing free school meals to all infant age children can help. It also needs the responsibility deal with the food industry to deliver.’
The number of cases where people were primarily admitted to hospital because of obesity and then required weight-loss surgery totalled 24,383 from April 2009 to March 2012
The number of cases where people were primarily admitted to hospital because of obesity and then required weight-loss surgery totalled 24,383 from April 2009 to March 2012

Weight-loss surgery is used as a last resort to treat people who are dangerously obese, according to the NHS.
The service says this type of surgery is only available on the NHS to treat people with potentially life-threatening obesity when other treatments, such as lifestyle changes, have not worked.
Conservative MP Priti Patel uncovered the figures in a series of parliamentary questions.
The data obtained by Ms Patel also shows there were 514 cases where zero to nine-year-olds were admitted to hospital mainly because of obesity from April 2009 to March 2012, with 1,601 admissions for 10 to 19-year-olds.
Both groups have seen admissions - recorded as ‘finished admission episodes’ (FAEs) which denote the first period of inpatient care under one consultant within one provider - decrease year-on-year, although total hospital admissions for patients with obesity-related issues increased in this period to 34,361.
Women also substantially outnumbered men for the number of FAEs mainly linked to obesity.
They accounted for 25,792 of the finished admissions from April 2009 to March 2012 compared with 8,563 for men.
The figures do not represent the number of inpatients, as a person might have had more than one admission.
The data was provided by the Health and Social Care Information Centre, which compiles data from more than 300 NHS trusts and primary care trusts in England and from some independent sector organisations for activity commissioned by NHS England.
The news comes just days after new NHS guidance was launched telling doctors not to blame patients for being fat.
The guidelines urge GPs to be sensitive when dealing with obese patients, using a 'respectful' and non-judgemental tone.
There were 514 cases where zero to nine-year-olds were admitted to hospital mainly because of obesity from April 2009 to March 2012
There were 514 cases where zero to nine-year-olds were admitted to hospital mainly because of obesity from April 2009 to March 2012

With Britain in the grip of an obesity epidemic costing the NHS £5billion a year, Nice called on doctors, GPs and other health workers, as well as those who run lifestyle weight-loss programmes, to monitor their tone and not add to the stigma of being fat.
Last year it emerged that several NHS Trusts are refusing to give certain treatments to fat patients unless they lose weight.
Patients have been denied procedures such as hip and knee replacements and IVF, unless they agree to make radical changes to their lifestyle.
The Nice guidance also provides instructions for Public Health England, which is responsible for health campaigns.
It says it should ‘be aware of the effort needed to lose weight and avoid further weight gain and the stigma adults who are overweight or obese may feel or experience’.
It adds: ‘Ensure the tone and content of all communications or dialogue is respectful and non-blaming. The terminology used to describe the person’s condition should respect individual preferences.’
GPs and those running weight management programmes for the NHS have also been told to ensure patients have a realistic view of what to expect when losing weight, telling them there is no ‘magic bullet’.

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