
'Health wake-up call' hits us at 39: Average Briton gives up smoking, exercises more and eats better just before they turn 40.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The average Briton is struck by a health wake-up call at the age of 39, new research has revealed.
Researchers found the approach to the big 4.0. is the point when people really start to worry about the long-term health implications of the bad habits and poor diets they enjoyed earlier in life.
Three quarters are so concerned they have gone on to make serious lifestyle changes such as giving up smoking or alcohol, exercising more, eating a healthier diet and even quitting their job.
The approach to the big 40 is the point when people really start to worry about the long-term health implications of the bad habits and poor diets they enjoyed earlier in life
The approach to the big 40 is the point when people really start to worry about the long-term health implications of the bad habits and poor diets they enjoyed earlier in life

But almost one in two Brits admits they are worried about whether it will be possible to reverse the damage caused by their previous lifestyle.
And 64 per cent regret not making more effort with their health when they were younger.
Professor Alf Lindberg, Science Director behind the 'tomato pill' Ateronon, said: ‘I have spent a lifetime dedicated to preventing and curing diseases.
‘But it never ceases to amaze me how easily people are prepared to throw away their good health by abusing their bodies with poor diet, booze and lack of exercise.
‘This survey is yet more evidence of that - it seems that people leave it until they reach the age of 39 before they start to take their health seriously.
‘Research shows us that the more you look after yourself in your early years, the more likely you are to live a longer and healthier life.’


1.     Eat more fruit and vegetables
2.     Do more exercise
3.     Have a more balanced diet
4.     Eat less fried food/takeaways
5.     Cut back on alcohol
6.     Take vitamin/health supplements
7.     Learn to relax/take time out
8.     Give up smoking
9.     Cut down on the number of cigarettes
10.   Stop drinking alcohol


1.     Starting to feel old
2.     A minor health scare
3.     Reaching a milestone birthday
4.     A serious health scare
5.     A friend falling ill due to their lifestyle
6.     The death of a friend or relative
7.     Being told off by a doctor
8.     Watching something on TV
9.     Reading an article in a newspaper
10.   Research on the internet
The study of 2,000 adults aged 25 and over found that 85 per cent have reached a point in their life where they have started to worry about the health implications of their lifestyle.
And three quarters have gone on to make changes to how they live to try and improve their health, with more than half deciding to eat more fruit and vegetables.
Some 49 per cent have also started to do more exercise while 45 per cent simply eat a more balanced diet than they did previously.
Eating less fried food or takeaways, cutting back on alcohol and taking health or vitamin supplements are among the other common lifestyle changes to make.
Three quarters are so concerned they have gone on to make serious lifestyle changes such as giving up smoking or alcohol or exercising more
Three quarters are so concerned they have gone on to make serious lifestyle changes such as giving up smoking or alcohol or exercising more

But while the biggest reason for the wake-up call was simply starting to feel old, 16 per cent chose to make the changes after suffering a minor health scare.
Another 15 per cent said reaching a milestone birthday started the worry, while one in ten was spurred into action after seeing a friend or relative suffer an illness bought on by poor lifestyle choices.
The death of a loved one, being given a warning by a doctor and even reading an article in a newspaper or magazine are also among the wake-up call triggers.
Almost four in ten have even been warned by someone about their lifestyle and the effect it may have on their life, with doctors, our partner or parents the most like to raise concerns.
It also emerged that 74 per cent think they are healthier than ever since their health wake-up call, with more than a third saying they feel less tired than they did before.
Another 36 per cent feel fitter, one in five reckon they are ill less often, while 16 per cent find it easier to keep up with younger members of their family.
But six in ten are still concerned that despite the lifestyle changes, their past bad habits may still affect them as they get older.
Professor Lindberg said: ‘Although we have 10 years of research under our belt, there is still more to do to understand its health benefits better.
‘We want to collect as much clinical trial evidence as we can, to demonstrate its efficacy in reducing risk in a wide range of conditions, from heart disease to cancer.

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