
Teacher loses EIGHT stone after being teased by pupils about her size 22 frame.

Friday, October 18, 2013

A teacher was so embarrassed by a pupil's naughty comment about her weight that she shed a massive eight stone.
Primary school teacher Jordanna Booth weighed nearly 18 stone and was teaching a Year 3 class when she heard an eight-year-old boy turn to a classmate and make a cheeky remark.
She said: 'I'd arrived at the school for a work placement just three days before.
Jordanna pictured before her dramatic weight loss, at 18 stone
Jordanna pictured this year at a trim 9 stone and a size 8
Jordanna was prompted to lose eight stone from 18 stone (left) to 9 stone (right)

'One of the little boys I was teaching turned to a classmate and whispered: 'Miss Booth's fat.'
'The whole class heard and giggled out of surprise. I knew I should have disciplined him for being rude, but despite myself I was too embarrassed.
'I was absolutely mortified. I thought: 'I'm so fat, even the children are laughing at me'.
The episode, which occurred during a teacher training work placement at St Vincent De Paul's Primary school, launched Miss Booth, of Liverpool, into an intensive 18-month weight-loss programme which saw her ditch her usual chips and takeaways for healthier alternatives.
Jordanna, pictured before her dramatic weight loss with boyfriend Sam, says her diet consisted mainly of junk food
Jordanna, pictured before her dramatic weight loss with boyfriend Sam, says her diet consisted mainly of junk food

She was supported in her quest for a slimmer figure by personal trainer boyfriend Sam Bullows, 28.
She said: 'Sam said my size didn't matter and I knew he meant it, but I still felt huge and disgusting. The pupil's comment spurred me into action.' 
Just a month later, Jordanna celebrated the start of 2011 at a New Years Eve celebration with Sam and was shocked when she looked at the photographs taken of her that evening.
She recalled: 'It was the final straw. I looked really horrible in the pictures. I knew I had to do something to lose the excess weight.
Jordanna says that she used to pretend that her size didn't bother her
Jordanna says that she used to pretend that her size didn't bother her

'I'd always been conscious of my size, but I tried to ignore the fact that I had got so big.
'Sam said he loved me how I was, and I tried to pretend I didn't care as I threw myself into my teacher training degree.'
She struggled to control the urge to overeat and used any excuse as a chance to overindulge.
'At least three times a week I'd feast on greasy takeaways,' she said.
'While I was attending university for my teacher training I'd snack on chocolate, crisps and biscuits.'
Determined to take back control of her life, she joined a slimming class in January 2011 and learned how to make simple and healthy meals.
Jordanna says she is now grateful to the cheeky pupil for prompting her to address her unhealthy diet
Jordanna says she is now grateful to the cheeky pupil for prompting her to address her unhealthy diet

She said: 'Straight away I realised how bad my diet was. No wonder I had got fat, with all the junk food I was eating.'
Jordanna began taking long walks and started swimming with Sam.
By the summer of 2012, Jordanna had dropped from dress size 22 to size eight and was celebrating the fact she had reached her target weight of nine stone.
'As the weight fell off, I felt like a different person,' she said.
Before her dramatic weight loss, Jordanna's breakfast was typically made up of a bacon sandwich on white bread with butter or a bowl of Coco Pops.
Lunch would be a shop-bought pizza or a pasty with a sandwich, and dinnertime consisted of chips with gravy as an after-work snack, followed by curry from a jar.
Jordanna, with the support of personal trainer boyfriend Sam, totally changed her diet and now eats healthy, snacking on fruit and vegetables
Jordanna, with the support of personal trainer boyfriend Sam, totally changed her diet and now eats healthy, snacking on fruit and vegetables

Between meals she would snack on crisps, chocolates and cakes.
Now, breakfast is usually porridge and fruit, followed by a jacket potato with beans and salad for lunch. A favourite dinner is spaghetti bolognese with extra-lean mince.
The sweet and salty snacks have been replaced with fruit or vegetable sticks.
Jordanna, who graduated from her teacher training course this year and is currently looking for a permanent placement, said she is delighted with the reaction she's had.
She said: 'A couple of former coursemates didn't recognise me at first because I look so different. They couldn't believe I was the same person when I showed them some old photographs. It made me feel proud of my achievement.'
Jordanna is now grateful for her pupils comment, and is enjoying wearing figure hugging-size eight dresses.
'If boys in class are giggling behind my back I'm told it's because they've got a crush on me,' she said.

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