
Why are my blinking eyes so sore and watery? What causes dry eye syndrome and how to tackle it.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Sore, watery, uncomfortable eyes can be hugely debilitating. One of the most common causes is dry eye syndrome – which affects nearly five million Britons over the age of 45 and, despite its name, actually leads to more tears.
The condition can be triggered by everything from the weather to hormonal changes, and also can be a symptom of an underlying health problem.
Here the experts reveal what could be causing your eye trouble – and explain the ways to tackle it...
Hopeless: Sore and watery eyes can be an indication of dry eye syndrome
Hopeless: Sore and watery eyes can be an indication of dry eye syndrome

When the eyes aren’t producing enough tears, or the tears evaporate too quickly, we are said to be suffering dry eye syndrome. Symptoms include sore, irritated eyes, blurred vision, the feeling of having something in your eye and the eyes becoming very watery. They can also become red, but not always.
About 20 per cent of people in the UK suffer from dry eye syndrome, rising to 50 per cent in those over  65. Rosie Gavzey, an optometrist and trustee of The Eyecare Trust, explains: ‘As we get older the constitution of tears is just not quite  as strong so the eyes become dry.’
Hormonal changes associated with ageing can also take their toll on the quality of our tears, she says.
‘Some women find that when they hit the menopause they can no longer tolerate contact lenses. The same thing can happen when they take the pill or become pregnant.’
Surprisingly, sufferers of  dry eye syndrome often  find their eyes look watery, says Warwickshire-based optometrist Francesca Marchetti. ‘The eye is dry and so  it overproduces tears, but it doesn’t help because the tears don’t contain the right lubricants.’
Eye drops can help, and in the case of menopausal women, supplements such as evening primrose oil too.
Blink and you'll miss it: Screen time, be it tablets, computers or televisions, can result in forgetting to blink - drying out your eyes
Blink and you'll miss it: Screen time, be it tablets, computers or televisions, can result in forgetting to blink - drying out your eyes

Regular blinking is crucial for healthy eyes, says Gavzey. ‘Every time you blink, you’re keeping your eyes refreshed and clearing the cornea, the transparent front part  of the eye.’
The problem is that when we’re concentrating on something, particularly a screen, we tend to forget to blink – meaning the eyes become dry. Studies have shown that on average, we blink about 22 times a minute, but when we concentrate on a computer screen or smartphone, or even while driving, the rate goes down to between five and seven blinks per minute.
Many people also get into bad blinking habits, says Gavzey. ‘It’s a reflex action – but a good way to make sure your eyes stay fully lubricated is to blink slowly and deliberately every so often.
‘One way to check you’re doing it correctly is to hold the tips of your index fingers on the outer corners of the eyelids. You’ll notice that when you blink normally, your fingers will be pulled in. If you do it slowly and carefully – as if you are going to sleep – your fingers won’t move as much. It might feel quite unnatural at first.’
A study published in the journal Optometry And Vision Science found that reading from a smartphone can cause eye strain because the eyes have to point in the right direction as well as focus on the small text, meaning they have to work harder.
Unnecessary: 'Eye brightening drops' are mostly a waste of time and could even give you allergies
Unnecessary: 'Eye brightening drops' are mostly a waste of time and could even give you allergies

When using a computer, smartphone or tablet for long periods, remember the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look up for 20 seconds at something at least 20ft away. Or here’s a tip from Ali Mearza, consultant ophthalmologist at Imperial NHS Trust: ‘Think of the Enter or Return key as a “blink’’ key. Every time you hit it, remember to blink.’
Cold weather won’t worsen dry eyes – it’s turning on the central heating that causes the problem, says Marchetti. ‘Central heating can make the atmosphere very dry so your eyes might feel worse.’ And if you’ve ever wondered why your eyes water during a winter walk, it’s because the wind has dried them out, she says. ‘It’s that reflex action again. The eyes are overproducing tears because they’re so dry.’
As if a hangover wasn’t bad enough, excessive drinking can cause sore eyes because of its dehydrating effect on the body, says Shamina Asif, from the College of Optometrists. And for women, if you do have a late night, don’t forget to take off your eye make-up.
‘If you leave it on, it can cause and aggravate blepharitis, a common condition where the rims of the eyelid become red, swollen and itchy and the eyelashes crusty. Everyone should also make sure they give the area around the eyes a good wash when washing their face to prevent the condition.’
Blepharitis can be caused by a bacterial infection, or it can be  a complication of a skin condition such as seborrhoeic dermatitis. ‘If the symptoms persist, you should see an optometrist,’ says Asif.
There are myriad eye drops for dry eyes, but always choose a preservative-free product, says Marchetti. The preservatives can, over time, cause you to develop an allergy and make dry eye syndrome worse. If a product is preservative-free, it should be stated on the pack.
Some people can find it difficult to put in eye drops. However, there are products that can be sprayed on to a closed eye, allowing the drops to be absorbed through the margins of the eye. ‘Experts are divided as to whether or not they work, but a lot of my patients – especially those with shaky hands – find they are better than nothing,’ says Marchetti.
If you do use eye drops, make sure you use them at least four to six times a day, she adds. ‘Eye drops usually give instant relief but usually folk don’t use them often enough, so they don’t think they work. And they should be seen as a long-term treatment.’
Speak to your pharmacist in the first instance, but if eye problem persists for more than two weeks, it might be worth visiting your GP.
And don’t bother with drops that promise to brighten the eyes, Marchetti says. ‘These contain ingredients that work by constricting the blood vessels, making them look less red. But they won’t give any relief against dry eyes.’

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