

Monday, April 21, 2014


Cases of skin cancer have soared seven-fold, research shows, with many of those being diagnosed suffering cancer-causing sun burn in their youth (library image)
Cases of skin cancer have soared seven-fold, research shows, with many of those being diagnosed suffering cancer-causing sun burn in their youth (library image)
Skin cancer cases have soared seven-fold in the past 40 years.
The shock rise is blamed on the legacy of sunshine package holidays which became popular in the 1960s.
Many of the patients being diagnosed today suffered cancer-causing sunburn in their youth, experts said yesterday.
And they warned the continuing obsession with sporting a tan will mean the toll keeps rising.
Sunbeds were singled out for criticism for fuelling the huge increase in all types of skin cancer, especially among young women.
New figures from Cancer Research UK show that more than 13,000 people a year develop malignant melanoma – the most deadly type of skin cancer.
The total is expected to surge to 20,000 a year by 2027. In 1975 the figure was just 1,800.
Malignant melanoma has become the fifth most common cancer in Britain, killing more than 2,000 people a year.
It is also the most common cancer in women in their 20s.
If caught early, it is treatable. If it spreads, even chemotherapy has little effect.
Nick Ormiston-Smith, head of statistics at Cancer Research UK, said: ‘Since the mid-1970s, malignant melanoma incidence rates in the UK have increased more rapidly than any of today’s ten most common cancers.
‘Holidays in hot climates have become more affordable and sunbeds are more widely available since the 1970s.
‘But we know overexposure to UV rays from the sun or sunbeds is the main cause of skin cancer.

The shock rise is blamed on the legacy of sunshine package holiday to locations such as Benidorm, Spain, pictured, which became popular in the 1960s
The shock rise is blamed on the legacy of sunshine package holiday to locations such as Benidorm, Spain, pictured, which became popular in the 1960s

This means, in many cases, the disease can be prevented, and is why it’s essential to get into good sun safety habits, whether at home or abroad.
‘The good news for those that are diagnosed, is that survival for the disease is among the highest for any cancer, more than eight in ten people will now survive it.’
Better detection methods may also have contributed to increasing rates, he added.
Experts believe the toll from sunbed use is likely to increase because cancer takes several years to develop and young people continue to ignore health warnings.
13,000 people every year develop a deadly malignant melanoma, pictured, which is expected to surge to 20,000 annually by 2027. In 1975, the figure was just 1,800
13,000 people every year develop a deadly malignant melanoma, pictured, which is expected to surge to 20,000 annually by 2027. In 1975, the figure was just 1,800

French researchers found the risk of developing malignant melanoma increased by 20 per cent for those who had used an indoor tanning device – and doubled for those using sunbeds before the age of 35.
Avoiding sunburn is the best way of cutting the risk of melanoma.
Those at highest risk include people with pale skin, lots of moles or freckles, a history of sunburn or a family history of the disease.


Look out for new moles, freckles or patches of skin that have suddenly changed colour or size and get them checked by a doctor.
In particular pay attention to moles which are asymmetrical – the sides being different.
You should also get moles checked out by medics if they are wider than 6mm across, which is a quarter of an inch.
Moles which have jagged edges or show uneven colour should also be seen by a doctor, experts say.
Other signs include moles or spots which are itchy or bleed and sores that will not heal.
Cancers caused by unhealthy lifestyles, such as drinking and smoking, have seen a rise of up to two thirds in the last decade, according to official figures.
But the latest research shows malignant melanoma rose more than any other type in the past decade. The surge is also in part due to people’s ‘choice of clothing’ and failure to cover up in the sun, leaving them exposed to harmful UV rays, according to the Office for National Statistics.
Lung cancer and other forms of the disease linked to smoking have also gone up, along with oral and kidney cancers, which can be triggered by alcohol.
Research shows that around a quarter of breast cancer cases can be attributed to lifestyle and environmental factors.
Caroline Cerny, campaigns manager at Cancer Research UK, said:  ‘Everyone loves getting out and about and enjoying the summer sun. Sunburn is a clear sign that the DNA in your skin cells has been damaged and, over time, this can lead to skin cancer.
‘When the sun is strong, pop on a T-shirt, spend some time in the shade and use a sunscreen with at least SPF15 and good UVA protection.’
The latest incidence rates show around 17 people in every 100,000 are diagnosed with malignant melanoma in Britain every year.
This compares with just over 3 per 100,000 in the mid 1970s.


Used sunbeds: Caroline Begg
Caroline Begg, pictured, used sunbeds before being diagnosed with malignant melanoma eight years ago at the age of 26.
A mole on her back prompted the mother of three to go to the doctor and she said she was lucky that the cancer was picked up early.
The receptionist from Glasgow said: ‘I have a large scar on my back but that’s nothing compared with what could have happened.
‘I could have ended up not being able to have children. I could have died. I was aware that the sun could age your skin but didn’t even think about skin cancer.
‘I’m fair skinned with freckles and moles so I’m
actually in a high-risk category.

The 34-year-old said: ‘I make sure my kids don’t stay out in the sun too long, always use sun cream and I try to put special sun suits on the children in the summer too.’
She is the mother of 13-week-old Nicholas, two-year-old Isabelle and four-year-old Oliver.


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