
The perfect bikini bottom.

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Summer is just around the corner – and the dreaded day we first  put on a swimsuit is fast approaching.
So if you’re looking in the mirror trying to survey the usually covered rear view and worrying about bikini confidence, here’s some good news: 2014 is the year of the bacial. That’s the bottom facial, and there’s an astonishing variety of treatments on offer.
Here we offer a week-by-week guide that will get you ready to bare (almost) all on holiday...
Bacial time: By targeting all and any problems you might 'face' ahead of bikini season, this guide will get you ready for the beach
Bacial time: By targeting all and any problems you might 'face' ahead of bikini season, this guide will get you ready for the beach

THE PROBLEM Spots and acne
BOTTOM LINE The Purity Peel
Ten days of at-home preparation are required before the initial treatment. Products applied to the area during this time include an exfoliating cleanser containing tea tree and peppermint oils, a retinol product and an exfoliator containing mild exfoliating acids.
The peel contains ten per cent retinoic acid to unclog pores and stimulate cell turnover (and therefore healing) as well as salicylic acid, used to clear and prevent spots.
EXPERT DEBRIEF ‘Retinoic acid is used for anti-ageing and acne on the face. Those with any sun damage on their bottom, which can be seen as crepe-like or wrinkly skin, will find that it works in a similar way,’ says consultant dermatologist Dr Tabi Leslie at 70 Harley Street.
From £231 per treatment,
THE PROBLEM  Wrinkly bottom and cellulite
BOTTOM LINE  Accent HD3D by Alma Lasers
A hand-held gadget is moved slowly over the bottom area to deliver radiofrequency heat to three depths of tissue. Radiofrequency oscillates molecules of water in the skin, creating heat which tightens tissue.
Deep heat works on the hypodermis and targets subcutaneous fatty tissue. Heating the dermis works on fat and cellulite reduction as well as skin elasticity, and superficial heat of the epidermis tightens the skin. Treatment is given once a fortnight until the desired result is seen.
EXPERT DEBRIEF ‘There is evidence radiofrequency heat stimulates collagen [the protein which gives skin its plump look] to contract and tighten,’ says Dr Hilary Allan at Woodford Medical. ‘I think this is one of the best suggestions.’
From £150, call 0845 170 7788  for nearest salon.
Beach ready: There are several treatments for your bikini bottom which can help boost your confidence
Beach ready: There are several treatments for your bikini bottom which can help boost your confidence

THE PROBLEM Stretch marks
BOTTOM LINE Crystal Clear microdermabrasion and  Oxygen Therapy
This magical skin-stripping treatment is favoured by Madonna as a facial, but it translates marvellously to the soft skin of the bottom. Ultra-fine crystals are sprayed on to the skin to gently remove the top layers of the epidermis.
Used crystals and dead skin cells are then vacuumed up. This wounding of the skin stimulates the production of new collagen. The appearance of stretch marks is diminished by blending in the surrounding scar tissue and reducing surrounding pigmentation.
This is followed by oxygen therapy – jets of serum-infused oxygen blasted into the skin. Because the top layer has been removed, the active ingredients can supply the lower layers with more nutrients.
EXPERT DEBRIEF ‘Microdermabrasion has been effectively used for a couple of decades,’ says Dr Allan.  ‘It breaks down the top layer and irritates the lower cells, and the vacuum increases blood flow to the area. Oxygen has well-documented healing properties. By improving the general look of skin, the stretch mark will be less apparent.’
£75 per hour (six weekly treatments recommended for  best results),
THE PROBLEM Sagging buttocks
The bottom may start to sag from the age of 25. As an alternative or a booster to exercise, try this treatment. Four pads are applied to each buttock. Through each of these, a microcurrent – a tiny electrical impulse – is passed.
Microcurrent works on the muscles in two key ways. It stimulates production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), which is the energy source for muscles. By increasing it, muscles are plumped up.
It also mimics electrical signals from the brain to the message centre of the muscle and therefore stimulates and strengthens it.
EXPERT DEBRIEF ‘There is some evidence that microcurrent is effective at toning the facial muscles,’ says Dr Leslie. ‘It may well have some effect on buttocks as well. Being a larger area, I’d recommend exercise as well as treatments.’
From £40 a treatment,

Countdown: With just days to go, focus on the final maintenance
Countdown: With just days to go, focus on the final maintenance

Isolaz is the only FDA-approved intense pulsed light (IPL), which combines a painless broadband  light with vacuum suction in a form of treatment known as Photopneumatic Therapy. The wavelength is set so the light’s heat  can target and kill bacteria as well as reducing the size of acne-causing oil glands. A vacuum either removes the debris in the pore, or brings it closer to the surface where it is manually extracted.
The light is moved gently over  the area in short blasts – the most you are likely to feel is a slight sucking sensation.
Trials show that it reduces acne lesions within two months by 75 per cent in patients who haven’t responded to other treatments such as antibiotics. It also works on sun damage, pigmentation and thread veins. Don’t sunbathe for two weeks before or after treatment as skin will be more sensitive to ultraviolet light.
EXPERT DEBRIEF ‘The combination of light and heat will help kill  acne associated bacteria and also reduce redness and inflammation,’ says Dr Allan. ‘Using a vacuum draws blood flow into the area.  As IPL targets colour, the redness will absorb the light and give enhanced efficacy.’
£170 (up to six may be needed depending on the severity of the condition),
THE PROBLEM  General maintenance
BOTTOM LINE Skin Matters Bacial
Even a bottom as near-peachy as a ripe fruit may need a touch of TLC. This treatment incorporates a number of techniques to thoroughly clean and moisturise.
Created by facialist Joanne Evans specifically for the skin behind the neck and all the way to below the waist, it uses products by Parisian skin specialist Dr Jules Nabet, including a mask which contains  20 per cent glycolic acid. This melts the glue in between cells so that the top layer is removed.
After cleansing, steaming and extracting blackheads, a hand-piece delivers ultrasound to the area. The high-frequency vibrations stretch and shrink cell membranes as the hand-piece moves over the skin. This encourages cell renewal and collagen production.
Pores are shrunk, skin is plumper and no blotchiness means that the area is ready for full exposure after just 24 hours.
EXPERT DEBRIEF ‘Glycolic acid has been used for years in facials.  It can thin the skin a little, but we know you can improve the look of the skin. Ultrasound has excellent clinical evidence for healing,’ says Dr Allan. ‘It’s used by physiotherapists to treat injuries.

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