
Saved by her big sister.

Monday, April 21, 2014

A six-year-old girl who was confined to the house because her immune system was so weak can finally play outside thanks to a live-saving transplant - from her big sister.
Milly Smith was born with a disease which left her with no immune system, so even a trip to the beach or playing with friends could prove fatal.
Aged four, she was diagnosed with chronic granulomatous disease - a rare disorder where the immune system can’t fight infections, only suffered by just one in eight million girls.
Close: Millie Smith (left) has been saved by her big sister, Kacey, who donated bone marrow
Close: Millie Smith (left) has been saved by her big sister, Kacey, who donated bone marrow

Spores from cut grass and leaves could have resulted in a fatal chest infection, and a simple cut finger could easily have led to deadly blood poisoning.
Her devastated parents, from New Milton, Hampshire, were forced to pull her out of school and keep her indoors away from other children.
Despite being fit and heathy, her older sister Kacey, 8, also suffered. She had to miss out on things in case she brought bugs back to the house - and also to prevent Milly from becoming jealous.
Her mother, Theresa, 39, said: 'Milly basically had no defence against anything. We went through hell and back and she really suffered.
'We always knew something was wrong - a common cold would turn into a chest infection, and a tummy bug would last for weeks.
Battle: Milly was diagnosed with the rare condition chronic granulomatous disease - a rare disorder where the immune system can't fight infections. This means going outside could have killed her
Battle: Milly was diagnosed with the rare condition chronic granulomatous disease - a rare disorder where the immune system can't fight infections. This means going outside could have killed her
'She was constantly in and out of hospital with a huge variety of illnesses - almost losing her battle with a chest infection aged 16 months.'

But it wasn’t until an infection in her toenail resulted in a hospital admission and nine courses of antibiotics that doctors ordered more tests, in August 2012.
The family were told Milly would need a bone marrow transplant “sooner rather than later” to survive - but that the procedure could kill her.
Mrs Smith added: 'It was a relief to know what was wrong but we were told it was pretty uncommon to find a perfect match, and even if we did there was a one in ten chance it wouldn’t work. It was a horrible time.
Brave: Milly first had to have ten days of chemotherapy to completely wipe out her own immune system, before she got Kacey's bone marrow at Great Ormond Street Hospital on August 30 last year
Brave: Milly first had to have ten days of chemotherapy to completely wipe out her own immune system, before she got Kacey's bone marrow at Great Ormond Street Hospital on August 30 last year

Luck: The family discovered Kacey was a bone marrow match after a routine test to check she was also not suffering from the condition
Luck: The family discovered Kacey was a bone marrow match after a routine test to check she was also not suffering from the condition
'Milly couldn't do anything. She couldn’t go to the beach, to the forest, be near cut grass or wood - it was all too much of a risk of infection.
'She couldn’t even go to the shops or leave the house.'
But, in a fortunate twist of fate, a routine test to check Kacey didn't also sister Kacey didn’t suffer from the same rare disease revealed she was in fact a perfect bone marrow match.
Joy: The transplant has now been 98 per cent accepted by her little sister - giving her a brand new immune system - and the pair can play outside for the first time in years
Joy: The transplant has now been 98 per cent accepted by her little sister - giving her a brand new immune system - and the pair can play outside for the first time in years

Milly first had to have ten days of chemotherapy to completely wipe out her own immune system, before she got Kacey’s bone marrow at Great Ormond Street Hospital on August 30 last year.
Within days, their mother noticed a massive change in her youngest daughter.
She said: 'Milly was so different - she used t obe very withdrawn all the time, and to look at her she was very pale, with dark circles around her eyes.
Transformed: Millie's transplant has been a success and she can now return to school
Transformed: Millie's transplant has been a success and she can now return to school

'Within five days the colour was back in her cheeks.'
The transplant has now been 98 per cent accepted by her little sister - giving her a brand new immune system - and the pair can play outside for the first time in years.
Kacey said: 'I feel quite proud about what I did.
'Before the operation we were all quite sad because I missed out on a lot of things - because Milly couldn’t do anything.
'Now she is much happier and we can play out the front, we can go to McDonald’s and we are going on holiday.
'Before we couldn’t do any of that.'
Millie, who goes back to school after Easter, added: 'My sister was nice and kind when she helped me. I can’t remember how I felt before but now I feel quite alright. The best thing is playing outside
Her mother added: 'We are doing all the things people just take for granted. Mille went to her first birthday party last month. Kacey had her first sleepover last night.
'We still have to be careful, but they can go out and play together and we have lots to look forward to.'

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