
Fitness fanatic claims to be in the best shape of his life despite......

Friday, May 30, 2014

A fitness fanatic says he is in the best shape of his life despite eating McDonald’s for every meal for a month.
Kai Sedgwick, 34, visited the fast food chain for breakfast, lunch and dinner for a month while he followed a tough workout regime.
Mr Sedgwick, from Edinburgh, took up the challenge to see if he could eat burgers while getting into the best shape of his life.
Kai Sedgwick, 34, carried out an experiment during which he ate only McDonald's while following a strict exercise regime for a month. He is pictured (left) before the experiment and (right) afterwards
Kai Sedgwick, 34, carried out an experiment during which he ate only McDonald's while following a strict exercise regime for a month. He is pictured (left) before the experiment and (right) afterwards

Now, after finishing the challenge, he says he is as fit as he hoped he could become - but it’ll be a ‘long time’ before he eats a burger again.
He said: ‘It was the hardest and loneliest month of my life, sitting alone eating my burgers.
‘My plan was to eat lots of McDonald’s and train really hard. It was one of the toughest things I’ve ever put myself through.
‘I was forgetting how good real food actually tastes. Anyone can eat a burger, but to eat one for nearly every meal for a month is really hard.

‘Food is meant to be a cultural experience, but after a while I realised I was eating for sustenance and not for the pleasure of the taste.
‘Now I’m finished, I don’t think I could eat another Big Mac for a very long time.’
Mr Sedgwick previously said he wasn’t a big fan of the food they serve McDonald’s and only went there about twice a year.
But over the last month he visited nine different outlets where he ate 99 junk food meals, including 50 burgers, 45 crispy chicken wraps and buckets of fries.
Mr Sedgwick says he gained 2.7kg in muscle mass during the month-long experiment
Mr Sedgwick says he gained 2.7kg in muscle mass during the month-long experiment

His challenge set him back a whopping £366 - but he saved a further £55 by using vouchers.
He took on 80,000 calories and expected to eat three kilos of fat as part of his daft diet, which he recorded on his blog.
But his tough workout made sure that he ended up gaining 2.7kg in muscle mass during the experiment.
After pumping iron, working a rowing machine and doing lots of running, he has lost a staggering 27 per cent of his body fat while he burnt 13,500 calories.
Mr Sedgwick said: ‘The first week was pretty tough when I started, but after a while it just became routine going in to sit down and eat my meal.
‘My fitness is pretty good and I was quite surprised that I reached all the fitness targets I set myself at the beginning of the month.
‘The hardest part was when I got the energy rush soon after eating from the calorie-rich food.’
He also added that he never even took his children along for a Happy Meal.

Mr Sedgwick ate 99 junk food meals, including 50 burgers, 45 crispy chicken wraps and buckets of fries
Mr Sedgwick ate 99 junk food meals, including 50 burgers, 45 crispy chicken wraps and buckets of fries


  • Spent £366 eating at McDonalds three-times a day for 28 days
  • Used vouchers to get £55 worth of free food
  • Ate 99 meals at the fast food giant
  • 50 burger meals including quarter pounders and Big Macs
  • 45 crispy chicken wraps
  • Consumed 80,000 calories
  • Ate 3kg of fat over the month long experiment
  • Gained 2.7 kg in muscle mass
  • Burned 13,500 calories
  • Lost 27 percent of his body fat on fast food diet
  • He ate EVERY item on the menu during his experiment
He said: ‘I never told my kids what I was doing but eventually their mum told them.
‘I refused to take them with me while I was doing it, because I didn’t want them to get into any bad habits.
‘They had one with me at the end, but I wouldn’t let them come with me before that.’
But despite making almost a hundred visits to McDonald’s, the restaurant staff never even found out why he came to dine on a daily basis.
He added: ‘The staff at my local McDonald’s didn’t learn my name. I think that’s because I never told them what I was doing.
‘I just went in with my headphones on and ordered my meal.
‘I’d imagine they’re probably a bit confused about why one of their most regular customers has stopped coming in though.'
He said: "I sent myself the task of eating every item on the McDonald's menu during the month and I managed to do that.

"In the morning I'd usually have a breakfast roll, hash browns and a coffee, and for lunch I'd have one of the burgers with fries and a Sprite Zero.

"For dinner I tended to either have a chicken wrap or salad with a small cheeseburger on the side to keep me going through the night."
Mr Sedgwick will now continue his workout regime but swap the ‘McDiet’ for fresh fruit, vegetables and low fat foods in order to draw a comparison by the end of June.
He will also be recording how much money he spends in comparison and by the end of the two months.

Following the experiment, it will be long time before he eats a burganr again, he says
Following the experiment, it will be long time before he eats a burganr again, he says

Nutrionist Dr Chris Fenn, who has been monitoring Mr Sedgwick's 'McWorkout' challenge,  said: 'I've seen the photographs and Kai's six-pack does look impressive. It just shows you what a lot of exercise can do.
'He's worked hard to get the six-pack, but the workout would have been more effective if he had put decent food into his body.
'You can get away with eating junk once in a while, but he has gone to the extreme of eating it on a daily basis.
'One of the things he noticed was that his mood was changing and that he was starting to feel tired, lethargic and anxious.
'It's the wrong type of food which tends to clog up your cells and affects your brain activity.
'Another thing that was affected was his bowels, because McDonald's food contains hardly any fibre which is crucial to cleaning your digestive system.
'Once his blood results are in, there might be other results of toxins lurking in his body.'

McDonald's would not comment on the workout project, but a spokeswoman added: 'At McDonald's, we serve good food made from quality ingredients.
'We offer our customers a range of menu options and provide clear nutrition information to help them make informed choices that are right for them.'

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