
Pensioner, 68, is sent home from hospital with a collapsed LUNG

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The family of Nora Daly claim she was sent home from hospital with a collapsed lung, four cracked ribs and a broken collarbone after doctors failed to investigate her properly after a falll
The family of Nora Daly claim she was sent home from hospital with a collapsed lung, four cracked ribs and a broken collarbone after doctors failed to investigate her properly after a falll
A pensioner was sent home from hospital with a collapsed lung, four cracked ribs and a broken collarbone after medical staff failed to investigate her properly.
Nora Daly was rushed to A&E at the Whittington Hospital in Archway, north London, after paramedics found her screaming in pain on the floor after she'd had a fall at home.
But her outraged family say she was given no X-rays or blood tests and sent home still in agony just hours later.
The true extent of her serious injuries only emerged the next day when she was taken to the Royal Free Hospital in nearby Hampstead.
Her furious daughter, Louise Daly, said: 'Is this how we treat our most vulnerable people?
'You hear horror stories about the NHS all the time.
'But it still blows your mind when your loved ones are the victims of this kind of incompetence.'
The hospital has now apologised for the errors and launched an urgent investigation into Mrs Daly's care.
Her daughter claims she went to see her mother at the hospital and was 'stunned' she hadn't been properly investigated.
'I went to pick her up from the Whittington to take her home and was surprised to find they didn't X-ray her,' she said.
'My parents didn't seem to have been given much information, so I assumed it must just be bruising.
'But that evening mum was still in a lot of pain and couldn't even lie down to sleep.'
'The following day I stepped out to run some errands and when I came back, one of mum's friends visiting her had called the ambulance because she was struggling to even breathe.

This time Mrs Daly, of Islington, north London, was X-rayed at the Royal Free's A&E department.
Shocked medical staff found that the pensioner had suffered four cracked ribs, a broken collarbone and a collapsed lung. 
Doctors also discovered she had a pre-existing pneumonia infection and admitted her for treatment.
Mrs Daly was rushed to A&E at the Whittington Hospital (pictured) in Archway, north London, after paramedics found her screaming in pain on the floor at home
Mrs Daly was rushed to A&E at the Whittington Hospital (pictured) in Archway, north London, after paramedics found her screaming in pain on the floor at home

Miss Daly says the huge gulf in treatment and care between the two NHS A&E departments
left  her 'shocked'.
She said: 'My mother's recovering from a stroke, fighting pneumonia and is old and frail - and they pushed her out the door without the most basic care.'
A Whittington Hospital spokesman said: 'We are deeply sorry to hear about Mrs Daly’s experience.
'We are taking the concerns raised extremely seriously and have launched an investigation into the care that Mrs Daly received whilst in our emergency department.'

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