
How to Protect Yourself From Bacteria in Public Places

Saturday, May 31, 2014

public toilets
We spend more time in the open every day thanks to the hot weather and we don’t think about what kind of dangers lurk in the environment. By dangers we mean dangers from bacteria, the bad ones that are not part of our organism and that can make a “mess” if they proliferate in one of our organs.
We bring you a list of places with the largest number of bacteria and how to protect yourself from them:

1. Parks

Even though in fresh air, some parts of parks can be crowded with bacteria, so be alert, especially if you bring a small child with you. A lot of dog owners still don’t collect the feces after their dogs; and if they do, a lot of places where dogs urinate are still there. Besides larvae of various parasites that can be found in such places, bacteria can amass.
Always look out for what your child touches, carry with you antibacterial or wet tissues with alcohol with which you can wipe your hands at any time. You can get a disinfectant spray for your hands which are convenient in these situations.
Teach your kids since they are young that they shouldn’t put their hands in their mouths before they wash them at home. Especially look after the little children because of the teeth growth they have a habit to put their fingers in their mouths – in this case disinfectant spray is highly pays out.

2. Restaurants

Restaurants are a possible source of infections because a lot of people go through them that use the toilets and eat, and we must agree, however disgusting it sounds, that not everyone has the same hygienic habits. Some people won’t wash their hands after using the toilet, and with the same hands they will open the door, which you will open afterwards, after you washed your hands, before you sit at your table and eat. Another serious problem is the way of food preparation. The food should be heat-treated enough so the microbes and bacteria could be destroyed. Some meals, like steak tartar or salads, don’t go through heat-treatment, but a lot of spices are added to destroy the bacteria. Be sure to spice the salad with enough vinegar.

3. Patisseries

Another problem with not enough heat-treatment have some patisseries, which becomes a specific problem when it’s warmer and when the food goes bad faster, especially delicate creams in cakes. A lot of cakes (even though you don’t eat them because you are on a healthy diet;) are prepared out of cream with eggs that are not cooked. These kinds of creams are the most risky ones. We advise you to eat dry cakes in the summer, and the best would be to turn completely too fresh, juicy fruit!

4. Fruits

Ah, yes, you turned to the fresh juicy fruit, but you need to wash it first. A lot of people just lightly wipe the apple peel to the sleeve of their shirt and take a bite… In that way they only pick up the bacteria that are on your shirt, and they don’t get to remove the pesticides that have been sprayed on the apple. If you eat pretty, red apples with not a single spot on them wash them good first and then peel them. Of course, washing goes for all kinds of fruits, not just for apples.

5. Handles and door knobs

Handles are touched by everyone – the ones that are a bit smarter avoid them. Sometimes you can’t avoid them because you are in a bus or a tram. The only thing that you can do is wash your hands when you get home. The same goes for carts and baskets in the stores, even the antibacterial ones, which can only reduce the number of bacteriae which doesn’t mean that they are clean.

6. Public toilets

It is little to say that they are crowded, despite the maintenance and cleaning. Besides, bacteria that exist in a community are very similar to each other and the ones that are left on our toilet at home won’t bother us as much as the ones from unknown people and exactly those kinds can be found in large numbers in public toilets.

7. Gyms and halls for exercise

Your own towel at a fitness center. The best way to protect yourself from bacteria in fitness centers is to always carry your own towel or two that you will use. Also, clean the devices after you with disinfectant means. Wipe them before using so you could protect yourself from negligent users that are always there.
The first and main rule for fighting bacteria is frequent hand wash. Not obsessively or frantically, but ordinarily after entering the house, before eating, after going to the toilet. Also, never touch your face if you haven’t washed your hands first, and especially not your mouth or your nose.
Bacteria are inevitable; both good and bad, strengthen your immunity with healthy habits before all.

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