
Holding on for dear life.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Born 16 weeks premature Emily Cressey clung to life, her tiny hand gripping her mothers as she fought to survive.
The fragile newborn is one of the youngest baby's to have been born in Scotland, surviving despite being born at 24 weeks - the legal threshold for an abortion.
But today the 10-week-old has reached another milestone, defying the medical odds.
When tiny Emily Cressey was born at 16 weeks premature she clung to life, gripping her mother Claire's hand as she fought to survive
When tiny Emily Cressey was born at 16 weeks premature she clung to life, gripping her mother Claire's hand as she fought to survive

Emily Cressey was born 16 weeks prematureEmily Cressey, pictured with her father Alan Coultas
The fragile newborn, pictured right with her father Alan Coultas, is one of the youngest baby's to be born in Scotland having arrived at 24 weeks - the legal threshold for an abortion

But today the tiny 10-week-old has reached another milestone, her family feared she might not see, as mother Claire feeds her with a bottle
But today the tiny 10-week-old has reached another milestone, her family feared she might not see, as mother Claire feeds her with a bottle

Emily, known as the 'little miracle', has been fed with a bottle by her mother Claire Cressey for the first time, after her family prayed she would pull through.
Ms Cressey, 34, shared the moment she and her family feared might never come on social media.
She said: 'It was the most beautiful moment, most mothers take that for granted, even get fed-up with doing it, not me.

'To see her take a bottle was wonderful, I'm so grateful for this time, so precious, when you fight to keep your baby alive for so long you often overlook these simple kind of moments, just like we did her jabs.
'To hold Emily with a bottle, her tubes seemed to vanish and the moment became real, gazing down at my baby watching her feed felt so right and I'm so thankful at the same time.'
Emily was born weighing little more than half-a-bag of sugar.
A medical team from Edinburgh transported Ms Cressey from her home in Coldstream to ensure experts were on hand to give Emily the help necessary to survive beyond birth.
She fought to stay alive, first on a ventilator, then by using a continuous positive airway pressure machine, necessary to help her lungs develop until they could function on their own.
Emily who is now 10 weeks old was born weighing little more than half-a-bag of sugar
Emily who is now 10 weeks old was born weighing little more than half-a-bag of sugar

She fought to stay alive, first on a ventilator, then by using a continuous positive airway pressure machine, necessary to help her lungs develop until they could function on their own

For every week tiny Emily fights for life, her parents and siblings Caitlin, eight, Millie, four, and Brooke, 17 months, mark the milestone with a cake. Ms Cressey said: 'Time has been an amazing healer and look at all those candles now. We are truly blessed by Emily, wow where have the ten weeks gone?'

Her weight has increased from just 1Ib 3oz to a steady 3Ib 15oz with every other feed now being from the bottle.
Father Alan Coultas, and siblings Caitlin, eight, Millie, four, and Brooke, 17 months, marked her weekly milestone with their usual cake and candles.
Ms Cressey added: 'Time has been an amazing healer and look at all those candles now. We are truly blessed by Emily, wow where have the ten weeks gone?
'I cradle Emily and think back to those first few weeks every day and I am shocked at how far we have come.
'I've even shocked myself and realise I've found a new inner strength I never knew I had.
'Although Emily is still very tiny she is here, she is strong, she is determined, and she's one hell of a fighter - what more could we ask for? Nothing.'

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